Quality work in higher education

If the normal work is well done, there is good quality in higher education.

Because I speak Russian, I was once hosting a high educational administrator from Ekaterinburg, the Russian federation. When we told that we set the goals ourselves and self-evaluate our activities, the expert said: - In Russia it is easy. We have parameters and if one does not achieve them, conclusions are drawn.

In Finland it is not that easy. We have collective agreements and employees are protected. In Finland Finnish education evaluation centre organizes audits where the quality system of the higher education institution is evaluated. This means that all organs and activities are described and are recognized and found by everyone in the ideal case. Audits focus also on best practices -  what can be spread to improve the activities.

In practice good quality involves everyone in the higher education organization. Students, staff and steakholders  are aware of what is going on and may speak. If there is a plan or guideline it is visible. Feedback is collected in documented ways systematically. Feedback is discussed with all actors and improvements are conducted and communicated. 

If there is a failure it should be taken seriously. For the institution it is only one incident among others but for the student it is unique. What is the strategy of the HEI and what is the promise it made to the students - and vice versa? Here are the strength and commitment of the teams and management measured. Things should not get personal. The actors should consider together what to do better.