Leading change in educational organizations like it is done in Finland

For outsiders it can seem that schools develop but they might not have a clue what happens behind the scenery. It is all about long processes that need to be managed and put into action. It is inspiring but hard work, too. 

Learning encounters 

The core of learning and teaching is always the same. The teacher and the students gather, share, and process insights to make a difference, to develop, and build increased knowledge and competences of various kinds. 

The changing generations and world

What changes is the environment and the generations. This generates novel competences needed for the future and mindsets of students. The technology evolves at the speed of light. 

Know your students

Therefore, it is vital to know the students and the environment. To be able to do so, schools need to examine their target groups and the trends. If possible, the inquiry is conducted in various ways, such as studying literature, benchmarking, interviewing, researching, anticipating - just name it. 

Data analytics is vital in education, too

When the data are collected, it shall be analyzed. Conclusions will be made to define the new and old competences. Then there is the wider context of the needs of the society, and the strategy of the educational institution. 

Multi-voice processes from down to top

In my experience from the higher education business in Finland, the reform should be done from down to top, not vice-versa. All kinds of stakeholders should be included to create a multi-voice process. 

It is never harmful to be organized

The process should not be of type laissez-faire but projected and organized. There shall be time-tables, objectives, and rules. 


Change is hard to lead. There are always crises and questions. Will it get better? What happens to me? Is this nonsense, quasi? What happens to our quality and reputation? Will I be exhausted? Why should I co-operate with the weaker/stronger staff members? Have the executives lost their minds? Why this chaos just before my retirement? However, all questions are justified and all voices should be heard. Out of consensus comes nothing new. It is horrible if it is all quiet. 

Practical issues are super important

All high-flying thoughts and discussions do note help the development unless the practical issues are taken care of in an ambitious way. Here one can see the meaning of team-work. The team is as strong as its weakest link. Everybody has to do his/her share! The resources shall be calculated and planned. The process will be communicated on-line and in various encounters with stakeholders and students. It needs to be motivated. The systems have to work. The evaluation and quality processes need to be planned. All the failures have to be corrected.